Meet Denise Stapleton

Denise Stapleton’s journey to become a psychospiritual therapist began after having been a residential and emotional counsellor for ten years.  She worked in the social services field first with developmentally challenged individuals and then with women in a court mandated diversion program called CHOICES, many of which were suffering from addictions.

Denise has been studying and training as a Spiritual Psychotherapist since 1999 to incorporate a Mind Body holistic philosophy into her psychotherapy work.  She is a graduate of Toronto’s Transpersonal Therapy Centre (2004) where she took a 3-year intensive training program in Gestalt and Transpersonal psychotherapy.  She has also trained in Reichian Character Structures to better understand how our bodies become an illustration of our psychological defenses and wounds.  As well, Denise relies upon her studies in energy therapy and chakra psychology to address their connection to child development and the human energetic field.  Having been involved in various forms of Buddhist Meditation for the past 18 years, Denise’s most current passion is Mindfulness and it’s connections to neuroscience. She has completed a certification at the University of Toronto which has led to facilitating classes in mindfulness instruction called Mindful Mondays in Toronto’s East end.

The majority of Denise’s psychotherapy training has included experiential work and she is committed to her own unfolding growth process.  She is an emotional intuitive and brings a deep, present, centred awareness into all of her work to guide and support her clients on their individual paths.  She firmly believes that the parts of herself that she has explored and accepted has brought her deep healing which lays the ground for her to help others. It is her passion to engage people in a deeper relationship with themselves and others so that they can explore their own sense of connectedness, become self-aware and have the tools necessary for living meaningfully.

For more questions about Heart Centred Therapy, please feel free to contact me by email or phone:

Denise Stapleton


Books, Books, Books...Just a few that have inspired, taught and opened me over the years.


The Mastery of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz
Imperfect Relationships – John Welwood
Attached – Amir Levine, MD
If the Buddha Dated – Charlotte Kasl



Eastern Body, Western Mind – Aondea Judith

The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self – Alice Miller

Healing the Shame that Binds You – John Bradshaw

When the Body Say No – Dr. Gabor Mate



 Hard Times

The Places that Scare You– Pema Chodron
When Things Fall Apart – Pema Chodron


The Grief Recovery Handbook – John James
The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Woman Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse – Ellen Bass & Laura Davis
Broken Open – Elizabeth Lesser
The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook – Edmund J. Bourne
Cancer is a Word, Not a Sentence – Robert Buckman
The Highly Sensitive Person – Elaine N. Aron
Focusing – Eugene Gendlin

Spirituality, Consciousness,

Brainstorm, The Developing Mind, The Whole Brain Child, also Mindsight – Dan Siegel
No Boundary – Ken Wilbur
The New Earth & The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle


Woman Who Run with the Wolves – Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Real Life – Poems by Tara Mohr
Succulent Wild Woman – SARK
Living Beautifully – Pema Chodron